Maximum return for you and your customers

Chargee offers smart solutions to make energy management easier, more efficient and more profitable. From real-time insights to advanced control, we help companies gain control of an increasingly complex energy market.

Discover how Chargee not only saves costs, but also offers your customers more value.

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Data-driven decisions for a more efficient portfolio

With Chargee you convert energy data into concrete actions. Our solutions not only provide insight, but also the tools to intervene directly where necessary. This way you ensure a more manageable, sustainable and profitable energy portfolio.

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Our products

Flint gateway

Flint gateway

Smart control of solar panels and charging stations

Sparky P1 meter

Sparky P1 meter

Real-time insight into data per household

Chargee app

Chargee app

Energy made easy for consumers

Footprint energy dashboard

Footprint energy dashboard

Insight into household energy data

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Say goodbye to imbalance

In the dynamic energy market, imbalance is a constant challenge for companies. Chargee offers a solution through real-time monitoring and advanced predictive analytics.

Our smart technology helps companies to better align supply and demand, preventing imbalance and saving costs.

With Chargee, companies have the tools to operate more efficiently and sustainably, so that they always remain in balance, even in a volatile market. Say goodbye to imbalance, and hello to control and optimization.

More about smart forecasts

Why choose Chargee?

User friendly

The customer always comes first

Ready for the future

We move with you

Real-time insight

Energy data at the highest resolution


Discover all the possibilities of the Chargee platform