Privacy policy

Chargee B.V., with offices at (5617 BD) Torenallee 36-02 in Eindhoven, and all affiliated companies (Chargee, we, us, or our) take the careful handling of your (your or you or client) personal data very seriously. As the controller of your personal data, Chargee ensures that your personal data is treated and secured with the utmost care. Chargee adheres to all applicable laws and regulations in all cases.

Please read this privacy policy before using our services (the Services). Our Services include: the Website(s) and [] and, our hardware products, and our software products (together: the Products). By using (a part of) the Services, you agree to this privacy policy.

In this privacy policy, we provide you with insight into the personal data we collect, why we collect this personal data, and what we do with this personal data.

1. Data that Chargee processes with purpose and legal basis

In the context of the Services, Chargee processes personal data for the purposes and legal bases as described below.

A. Legal Bases

Chargee processes your personal data based on the following legal bases included in European privacy legislation:

  • consent;
  • performance of a contract with you;
  • legal obligation; and
  • legitimate interest of Chargee or a third party.

    Legitimate interests include, but are not limited to: advertising, marketing, security, auditing, fraud detection, (crime) prevention, (market) research, and analysis, and improvement of our services, internal management, legal matters, and business operations. The specific legal basis applicable to a particular processing is indicated below.

B. The personal data Chargee processes from you, the purpose, and the legal basis.

Creating an account: to create an account, you need to provide: (i) your contact details (this means: first name, last name, email address, and residential address); as well as (ii) username of your account; (iii) password of your account; (iv) your payment details, payment method, and financial information, such as your credit card and/or bank details). Depending on the processing, legal basis 2 or 4 applies.

Reading P1 and P4 meter: we need the meter number of your gas/electricity meters to identify you and provide you with our Services. Additionally, we read your P1 and P4 meter to determine your meter readings. For the proper functioning of our Services, we also ask you to provide insight into the historical usage of the past 13 (thirteen) months for your P4 meter. Legal basis 1 applies.

Information messages: Chargee may use your contact details (as specified above) to send information messages (not marketing communications) necessary to provide the Services. Legal basis 2 applies.

Testing and analysis: Chargee uses personal data to analyze how registered Customers use the Services. This also includes using the data to detect and fix errors and malfunctions. Legal basis 4 applies.

Data aggregation: to minimize the processing of your personal data, we may aggregate or encrypt your personal data to create anonymous data that can no longer be traced back to a natural person. Legal basis 4 applies.

Use and status of the Products: insofar as necessary for the performance of the contract with you, Chargee collects data regarding the use of Products (for example: delivering a Product, status of the Product, and providing information about changes to the Products). Depending on the processing, legal basis 2 applies.

Compliance with (local) legislation: Chargee may be required to process your personal data for purposes other than those set out in this privacy policy to comply with applicable legislation, for example, for tax reporting, law enforcement, or in the case of a court order. Legal basis 3 applies.

Fraud detection: Chargee processes your personal data for fraud detection and prevention of fraud and abuse. If we have a reasonable suspicion of any fraud, deception, or criminal activity attributable to you, or if we establish this, your personal data will be processed to prevent you from using our Services in the future. Depending on the processing, legal basis 3 or 4 applies.

Customer service: Chargee may collect and share your personal data to provide (international) customer service. For example, we may collect (telephone) requests received by customer service and related responses, along with other contact details (as specified above) and any other data you provide. This way, we can better respond to inquiries. Depending on the processing, legal basis 1 or 4 applies.

Marketing: to the extent permitted under applicable law, Chargee may use your contact details (as defined above) for marketing communications, such as newsletters. You can unsubscribe from these at any time. The newsletter may also contain information and offers from other parties. Each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe from our newsletter. The subscriber database for the newsletter is not provided to third parties unless you have given explicit consent. Depending on the processing, legal basis 1 or 4 applies.

2. Automated decision-making

Chargee makes decisions based on automated processing concerning matters that can have (significant) consequences for individuals. These are decisions made by computer programs or systems without human intervention (e.g., a Chargee employee). Chargee uses the following computer programs or systems: Amazon Machine Learning, AI models, and DataBricks data platform. Automated decision-making includes, for example, predicting solar power generation for a household, resulting in an adjusted charging schedule for the relevant household's electric car.

3. Retention period of personal data

We do not retain your personal data longer than allowed under applicable law or when we believe it is necessary and permissible to retain your personal data longer. In any case, the data required to create your account (as described above) is retained as long as you continue to show interest in the Services and as long as you use the Services. After unsubscribing or deleting your account, your account data will be retained for up to 12 months. If you have any questions about the retention period of your personal data, please contact us via the contact details below.

Note: Please be aware that Chargee may retain collected data at any time in aggregated and anonymous form for (market) research, analysis, and/or fraud protection. In this case, legal basis 4 applies.

4. Sharing personal data with third parties

In the cases described below, Chargee is permitted to share your personal data with third parties.

Service providers: We may share your personal data for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy with service providers if necessary to provide the Services on our behalf, such as hosting, data analysis and storage, payment processing, mail delivery, information technology and related infrastructure, customer service, product design, product diagnostics, email delivery, credit card processing, auditing, and marketing. We only share your personal data with service providers who offer sufficient guarantees (in accordance with privacy legislation) for the protection of your personal data. Depending on the processing, legal basis 2 or 4 applies.

Authorities: We disclose personal data to law enforcement authorities and other government agencies as legally required or strictly necessary for the prevention, detection, or prosecution of criminal offenses and fraud. Legal basis 4 applies.

Transfer: We may transfer your personal data to third parties in the event our organization is subject to a merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of business units, or bankruptcy. In such cases, we will request your prior consent if required under applicable law. Legal basis 4 applies.

If the above organizations are classified as processors under European privacy legislation, we will enter into a data processing agreement with them. Processing of your personal data will then only take place on our instructions and under our responsibility.

5. Transfer of personal data abroad

Our Services are primarily managed and operated from the Netherlands. If personal data is provided to a third party abroad, this will only happen to a third party in a country that, according to the European Commission, provides an adequate level of protection for personal data. If this adequate level of protection is lacking, Chargee will ensure that the legally required safeguards are provided, such as entering into an EU model contract. At the time of drafting this privacy policy, your personal data is only transferred abroad in the context of the services provided by Amazon AWS, located in Ireland, and Google Cloud, located in Ireland, for operational matters related to the hardware of our Products (in this case, the Chargee dongle) and the collection and processing of consumption and generation data of energy. We have entered into a data processing agreement with both parties.

If you want more information about the transfer of your personal data abroad, you can contact us via the contact details below. By using our Services or otherwise providing information to us, you agree to the transfer of your personal data to countries outside the Netherlands.

6. Use of cookies

Chargee uses cookies on the Website(s). By accepting the cookie notification on the Website(s) or continuing to use the Website(s), you consent to the placement of cookies. A cookie is a small file that a Website(s) stores on your hard drive via the browser. Information is stored in a cookie. Various types of cookies may be used per visit. Below you can find more information about the cookies used by

and through the Website(s) and for what purposes.

Types of cookies used on the Website(s) and their purpose The Website(s) uses the different types of cookies listed below for the purposes as outlined below:

Analytical cookies: these are anonymous cookies that allow us to improve our Website(s). These cookies collect information about how visitors use the Website(s), such as information about the most visited pages or the number of error messages displayed. The information collected by these cookies may not be used for marketing purposes and is not shared with third parties.

Functional cookies: these cookies store the preferences of Website(s) visitors to increase user-friendliness. These are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website(s).

Session cookies: session cookies are used during your visit and are automatically deleted when you close the browser. We remember which parts you view during a visit and tailor our Services accordingly.

Other/unforeseen cookies: due to the way the internet and Website(s) work, we may not always have insight into the cookies placed by third parties via our Website(s). This is especially the case if our web pages contain so-called 'embedded elements' (these are texts, documents, images, or videos that are stored with another party but displayed on, in, or via our Website(s)).

8. Specific overview of used Cookies

Via, you can find an overview of the cookies used on the Website(s).

9. Adjusting cookie settings or deleting cookies

If you do not want Chargee to place cookies on your (mobile) device, you can refuse the use of cookies through the settings or options of your browser. For each browser and each (mobile) device, you need to adjust your settings separately. Note: after adjusting the cookie settings, some parts of the Website(s) may no longer be usable or displayed correctly. If we have placed cookies, you can also delete them. How to do this varies by browser. Consult your browser's help function if necessary. You can find more information about cookies on the Website(s) of the Dutch Consumers' Association.

If you encounter cookies on the Website(s) that we have not listed above, we kindly ask you to report this to us via [email protected].

10. Security

Chargee does everything possible to protect your personal data. We use technical and organizational security measures to protect the personal data we manage against manipulation, loss, destruction, and unauthorized access. These security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. Chargee has set up its security in line with ISO 27001. In this context, personal data is encrypted and anonymized wherever possible. Furthermore, the Platform is continuously updated with the latest security updates. The Website(s) may contain links to external Website(s) operated by other companies. It is possible that they collect personal information from people who visit their Website(s). We cannot provide guarantees about the privacy policies of external Website(s) and bear no responsibility for those Website(s).

11. Your rights

You have the right at any time to access, correct, or delete your personal data. To do so, you can contact us via the contact details below. Additionally, you may be able to view, delete, or modify certain data via the Website(s) or the Platform. Finally, we would like to point out that under European privacy legislation, you have the following rights:

  • to receive an explanation of what personal data we have about you and what we do with it;
  • to access the exact personal data we have about you;
  • to correct incorrect data;
  • to delete outdated personal data;
  • to withdraw consent; and
  • to object to certain uses of your personal data.

If inaccuracies have been stored despite our efforts to ensure the accuracy of your personal data, we will correct them at your request.

12. Complaints

Chargee is happy to help you if you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data. We ask that you contact us in case of a complaint via the contact details below. Under European privacy legislation, you also have the right to file a complaint directly with the Dutch Data Protection Authority regarding how we process personal data.

13. Changes

Chargee reserves the right to change this privacy policy. The most current version of this privacy policy can be found on the Website(s). We recommend checking regularly to see if an updated version is available.

14. Contact details

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the processing of your personal data by Chargee, you can contact us via the contact details below.
Torenallee 36-02
5617BD Eindhoven
+3185 08 05 711

Data Protection Officer
Jur Rademakers
[email protected]

15. Version

This privacy policy was last updated on October 26, 2023.