Smart energy forecasting with Chargee

In the energy market, reliable data is essential to optimally match supply and demand. Chargee offers advanced data analysis and forecasting that allows companies to respond more intelligently to fluctuations in energy consumption and generation.

From dynamic profile fractions to accurate solar generation forecasts, we provide the insights needed to make efficient energy choices.

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Accurate forecasting for energy purchasing

By combining historical data with real-time insights, Chargee helps energy suppliers and business customers to purchase energy more efficiently. Our predictive models analyze consumption and generation patterns, so you can better anticipate fluctuations in the market. This leads to cost savings and less risk of imbalance costs.

Chargee for energy suppliers
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Dynamic profile fractions for a more flexible market

Standard profiles often do not provide sufficient accuracy for dynamic energy contracts. Chargee uses dynamic profile fractions, which take into account current consumption and generation patterns. This helps energy suppliers and grid operators to make better statements and to estimate energy needs more accurately.

Smart forecasts for solar generation

With the growth of solar energy, it is becoming increasingly important to predict how much power solar installations will generate. Chargee analyses weather forecasts and historical generation data to make accurate estimates.

This helps energy suppliers and grid operators to better manage the impact of solar energy and prevent grid overload.

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Control over imbalance and peak load

Imbalance and peak loads can cause high costs and instability in the grid. Chargee provides insight into expected peaks and troughs, allowing you to make timely adjustments.

Whether it concerns smart control of generators and consumers or optimizing energy storage, we help companies minimize risks and maximize returns.

The future of energy management

Chargee makes energy forecasting accessible and practically applicable for the business market. Our advanced data solutions enable companies to better respond to market developments, purchase smarter and use energy more efficiently.

Would you like to know how our forecasting can help your company? Contact us and discover the possibilities.

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